UBC Day 2: Bloggily Ever After

What do romance novels and blogging have in common? Both require the use of words to take the reader on a journey. Both are widely read by many, and both need to hook the reader in and not let go until its conclusion.


I loved not only reading but talking about how a book made me feel. I would excitedly speak to friends and ask their opinions on various books and was always happy to give a recommendation of some kind. Most of these conversations took place on Twitter.


My friend created a blog and I started meeting others who did the same. Then I started to review books for a book blog where I learned a great deal. I had the opportunity to talk about books in paragraph form. Count me in!


This blog came about because I wanted to find a domain name that encapsulated the kind of person that I am as well as my interests. I came up with Bookability, and the name stuck. I tell people that I came up with that name because I like talking about books, disability, and me. How apropos.


My goal for the blog this year is to chronicle more reading challenges. There are many that are floating around the book community and I struggle with keeping to challenges, so I have decided to make my own Sluggish Superchallenge, creating an amalgamation of prompts and challenges together and picking what I want at any given time.


I am so excited to do this and talk about the books that bring me joy.


I’m not sure of what else should be planned, but I know that much like my favorite romance novels, I will enjoy the journey.

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